
About Our Server

The Prismplex first began in December of 2020, and was know at the time simply at the Crimson SMP. Starting out, the server was very small, and had very little plugins or rules. Crimson was a PvP focused server, with players being allowed to attack and loot other players as well as their bases, so long as they announced so in the chat beforehand. There was also a town at the center of the map where players could open shops, and purchases were made by players leaving the designated amount of diamonds in a shop chest and taking the goods that they wanted to buy, and without any real plugins, players were reliant on only the honor system.

The Crimson SMP continued for three seasons, improving as time went on. In Season 3 a custom war plugin was comissioned by the owners and added to the server, allowing players to use a command to delcare war on another play rather than simply announcing wars in the chat. Moreover, advertisements across various Minecraft forms and subreddits continued to bring in new players, further growing the server over time.

In August of 2022, the Azure SMP was first announced and launched. This new server, unlike the Crimson, was peaceful and came with plugins that allowed for things such as land claims, a proper economy with money, and the ability to rent plots in the central town. Also unlike Crimson, the Azure did not run in seasons, being a permanent server where players could build massive projects without the worry of having their progress fade away in a raid or at the end of the season.

Crimson also continued to run various seasons while Azure was active. The server overall become known as "Prismplex," a new name for the network that is home to both the Azure and Crimson. Our community continues to expand today, and have overall come a very long way from its humble beginnings as a tiny vanilla server.

Server Rules

We aim to have the rules listed on this page to be clear and easy to understand; if there are any questions, ask a staff member. These rules are also subject to change: This page was last updated January 28th, 2024.


These rules apply to anywhere inside the Prismplex community, including the Discord server and Minecraft servers.

Be Friendly. Please be nice to others, don't be Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Ableist, etc. We have a diverse community with people of different genders, sexualities, races, religions, ages, and abilities, and it is key to be respectful to others by listening to others, not pushing them down, and having respectful discussions when needed.

Don't break the rules of apps we use. This includes Discord and Minecraft by following the Discord TOS and Minecraft EULA This includes age limits of being at least 13 years old (or whatever your country's laws are) and rules around unsafe or regulated content for Discord and not distributing or using hacked clients and not harassing people, using hate speech, encouraging illegal activity and more as covered in the Minecraft EULA .

No promotion or advertising unless approved. Sharing your content from sites such as YouTube or Twitch and other smaller self-promotion is okay as long as it is in relevant channels, but sharing other Discord servers and other advertising (not including advertising about in-game matters on our Minecraft servers) is not allowed without approval from staff. Self-Promotion from new members that have not yet engaged with the community may not be allowed.

Keep stuff PG. Keep the server clean, follow common sense and assume everyone you talk to is under 18.

Don't use alt accounts to bypass punishments. Alt accounts are allowed but if you get punished, such as being banned, using an alt account to bypass this is not allowed.

Don't be Inappropriate. This includes discussing sexual topics in chats or harassment of someone, especially with non-age-appropriate materials.

Report stuff. Please report rule breakers, bugs, or issues and more; this assists us in running our server and means that issues can be solved. To report a staff member, contact a higher-ranking staff member such as Moderator, Admin, or Owner.

Listen to Staff. Listen to members of the staff team. This includes accepting decisions made. Feedback and suggestions are allowed but please phrase in a reasonable way.

Staff have the final say. Our staff team is able to enforce the rules and decide what breaks them and what doesn't. If you want to discuss an action made by a staff member, reach out to a higher-ranked staff member.

In-Game Rules

These rules apply in-game on Minecraft across all our servers.

Don't Spam. Once again, don't spam in-game chats unnecessarily.

Follow Minecraft EULA. You are playing Minecraft, you must follow Minecraft's rules.

No hacking or using Mods for an unfair advantage. Using hacks such as X-ray, seed-crackers, PvP advantage mods, fly hacks, and more are strictly not allowed. Other game Mods that are allowed depend on the server, but staff will always have the final say. If you are unsure if a mod is allowed or not, ask a staff member.

Do not harass other players. Don't target other players just to harass them; this includes stalking chat messages and Dynmap for the purpose of harassing others.

Azure SMP

These rules are specifically for playing on the Azure SMP.

No Griefing or Stealing. While we do have a land claim plugin, griefing and stealing are still not allowed, and staff have the ability to see logs of who did what. This is to ensure the server stays peaceful.

Report bugs and issues. To ensure the server works properly, please report any bugs or issues you encounter or hear about into the bug reporting channel or by messaging a high-ranking staff member. Rewards may be given to players who report bugs.

Mayor elections and Azure Mayor. Elections for a mayor will be run by staff members around every two months. The mayor will create laws for players to follow in the town; staff will step in if needed. The mayor may have staff assist in enforcing their laws when reasonable and required, but punishment is up to the mayor. When a rigged election or other lore event is involved with the mayor, it will be made clear to players.

Lore. The Azure SMP has lore created by players; it should be optional to participate in, and major events should have a neutral staff member be informed. Staff members may participate in lore, and their actions in lore, such as a war, are not related to their rank as a staff member.

Discord Specific

These are the rules to follow in our Discord server.

Don't Spam. Don't spam chats in Discord, please.

You must be at least 13 to be in the Discord server. As required by Discord TOS and laws in many countries, users of Discord must be at least 13. Players under 13 can play our server in-game with supervision but cannot be in the Discord server.

Censor sensitive topics. Please use spoiler tags to censor sensitive topics and provide content warnings for sensitive subjects; you can surround text with '||' on each side to spoiler tag it in Discord, e.g. || this message is spoilered ||

Use the #Real_Talk channel appropriately. The real talk space is a channel for more serious conversations. Joking with things posted in the channel is not allowed. Topics that may be triggering or topics that are more serious should be contained into the real talk channel. Please be respectful and consider others when using the channel.

Staff Guide

This guide is intended for all Prismplex staff members, providing information on permissions, various communication methods, and a general overview of serving as staff on Prismplex.

Selection of Staff

Staff members can be selected through two methods. The first involves Owners choosing new staff based on individuals deemed valuable to the staff team. Typically, these individuals are active, friendly, and possess specific talents such as proficiency in redstone, building, or community engagement. Current staff members can suggest potential candidates in mod-chat if there is a need for additional help.

The second method involves the opening of Helper applications. Occasionally when there is a need for new Helpers, an announcement will be made on the Discord, and players can apply to become a helper by filling out a form, stating why they would like to be staff, if they have any experience in similar roles, and if they have any ideas for the server. After this, applications are reviewed and new staff members are selected.

Newcomers to the staff team usually start as Helpers, serving as junior members with specific permissions for community moderation and event organization. The table below outlines desired traits and traits not favored in potential new staff members:

Staff Expectations

Staff members are expected to follow the server rules themselves and aim to not cause drama within the staff team or server. This includes following server rules, “common sense,” and avoid abusing permissions such as creative mode, /give, /god etc.

Personal disputes between staff members should be sorted out in private chats and if directly relevant have an admin supervise, repeat arguments between staff may result in demotion or removal.

Staff members are expected to engage the server by serving as a role model for players. Other expectations on staff are basic activity and informing higher ups of possible issues or barriers to them being able to staff such as decreasing activity.

We also understand the diverse community and staff team we hold, if staff would like to go on break, step down or have any changes to their role to accommodate for issues they are encouraged to contact an admin.

Staff members are encouraged to organize community events and employ various methods to engage players. This may involve Discord voice chat activities, such as group movie or Discord game. More commonly, staff can host events on the Minecraft server. Further details on these activities are provided in the events section.

Inactive/Retired Staff

Staff members may become inactive due to a loss of interest in the game or being occupied with school or work commitments. Recognizing that these individuals may be unable to dedicate time to the server, if a staff member exhibits a lack of activity and engagement, we reserve the right to remove their staff role.

In such cases, the "Retired Staff" role may be assigned. Retired staff members have the option to return if they wish, and they will regain staff status if they express interest and demonstrate the ability to be active once again. The specifics regarding inactive staff and the application of this policy will be determined by the server management team, with generally more leniency extended to higher roles.

Staff Roles & Promotions

Most staff start as a Helper. Helpers can earn a higher rank doing things such as being a responsible and active staff member, frequently helping players, and hosting events. The following list explains each role on the Prismplex staff team:


Helpers are the junior staff members of the Prismplex. They have additional permissions and responsibilities and are able to help facilitate and assist with community related matters. Helpers generally help resolve minor disputes between players on the server and in the Discord, answer questions that newer players might have, and host community events on the server, both in Minecraft and the Discord.

Helpers are advised to document all instances of moderation actions taken against players in the mod chat. Additionally, they are encouraged to capture screenshots and gather evidence of any offenses.

The requirements for Helpers are:

- Be an active member of the community in good standing
- Help resolve player disputes in a calm and unbias manner
- Host at least 2 community events every month

Helpers get access to certain commands to help in their responsibilities, and these commands are never to be abused or used in a way so that Helpers give themselves unfair advantages or make things unfair for other players.

Helper in-game permissions:

- /tp
- /vanish
- /invsee
- /god
- Create and remove warps
- Bypass certain land restrictions

Helper Discord permissions:

- Timeout
- Create threads
- Mention @everyone and @here (only to be used for announcements)
- Mute/deafen/move members
- Add custom emojis, stickers, and sounds

In addition to these permissions, Helpers also get access to all the perks that Elite players have!


Moderators are the senior staff of the Prismplex. They generally have more experience than Helpers and are trusted with higher permissions and responsibilities.

Moderator in-game permissions:

- All Helper commands
- /ban
- Advanced /lands permissions
- Advanced /invsee permissions (add/remove items)

Moderator Discord permissions:

- All Helper permissions
- Delete messages
- Manage roles
- Access to archived channels
- Access to audit log

Moderators also get access to all the perks that Legend players have!


While Lentex is the primary Owner of the Prismplex, there are co-owners on the server that also have the Owner title. Somebody is made an owner if they are a trusted and knowledgeable member of the staff team, and have a large amount of discretion to work on the server or make improvements that they think would be beneficial, as well as to moderate the server and issue punishments for players that break the rules.