Crimson SMP


The Crimson SMP was the first ever server of Prismplex's, with it's first season being started back originally in December of 2020.

Unlike the Azure, the Crimson is not a permanent server and is done in "Seasons," lasting a few months each, with the most recent season, Season 6, having ran from August 2023 to November 2023.

Also unlike the Azure, which is a peaceful server with economy and land claim plugins, the Crimson SMP has always been a PvP focused server. Most seasons of Crimson had a central town at the center of spawn were players could build shops to sell goods in exchange for diamonds, overseen by a mayor that was elected by players. Outside of the town, however, killing, stealing, and raiding bases were permitted. Most teams had vast underground bases with secret entrances to protect themselves from raiders.

Different seasons of Crimson sometimes introduced different gameplay ideas; for example, in Season 3, all players were required to use a proximity chat plugin. At one point, the owners also hired a plugin developer to create a custom war plugin for the server, where every 24 hours players could use the command "/war [player]" and attack them.

Crimson SMP is not currently available on the Prismplex, and a new season similar to the earlier seasons of Crimson is unlikely to happen again in the future. Many rules of the Crimson, such as only raiding players bases while they were online, paying the proper amount of diamonds when buying items from someone's shop, or only declaring war on a player or team every 24 hours are very difficult to enforce without staff spending a large amount of time moderating the server and resolving disputes, or with custom plugins that cost money to be commissioned and maintained.

However, this does not mean that Crimson will never make a return to the Prismplex -- currently, staff are working on a project behind the scenes to bring Crimson back in the near future in a new and fun way, so stay tuned!

If past players of the Crimson SMP have screenshots or videos of the Crimson that they would like to be displayed here, message Lentex or Adzey.