Azure SMP

The Azure SMP is Prismplex's permanent, peaceful SMP server. The focus of it is to allow players to build, earn money, and form teams and nations across the large map of Azure's world. Azure first launched in August of 2022 and has been using the same world ever since, getting a large expansion in Jul 2023 with the release of the 1.20 update and its new biomes.

Azure uses several plugins such as a land claim plugin, an economy plugin, and McMMO. There are also three server shops that allow players to exchange certain types of wood, crops, and minerals for money. For items that can't be sold to the server, players can also sell them on their own by opening a shop at the central town, where plots can be rented for players to build stores and sell goods or services. Azure uses a custom plugin to prevent inflation, allowing certain items to be sold only a certain amount every 24 hours -- for a full overview of how the economy on the Azure SMP works, see the Azure economy guide below!

Elections for the position of Azure's Mayor are also held about every two months. To learn more about this, as well as to see all of Azure's past mayors and an overview of what each one did while in office, see the "Azure Mayor" section on this page below!

Many players on the Azure also make lore or develop their character, creating unique backstories and tying them into the overall history and lore of the server and the characters of other players. To see an overview of the lore and history of Azure, the library on the second floor of the townhall is a great place to start!

Azure World Map

The Azure SMP uses a Dynamap to allow players to view the world, what land is claimed, and what players or nations have claimed them. The map also shows where players are in real time and what they are chatting!

Azure Commands

The Azure SMP has several plugins that allows players to use many commands, to do things such as request to teleport to players, travel to server warps, claim land, edit land claims, as well as much more! Here is an overview which shows what all of the commands on Azure that players should know about:

Teleport & Homes

Lands Management

Brings you to the server spawn at the center of the world.

See a list of all server warps.

/warp <name>
Teleport to a warp.

Go to your last teleported location.

/lands spawn <land name>
Teleport to the spawn of a specific land claim.

/tpa <player>
Request to teleport to another player.

/tpahere <player>
Request another player to teleport to you.

/tpyes or /tpaccept
Accept or deny a player's teleport request.

/home <name>
Teleport to one of your personal home warps.

/sethome <name>
Create a personal home teleport at your current location. Players can set up to 2 different homes; Elite can set 4, Legend can set 6, and MVP can set 10.

/delhome <name>
Delete a home from your personal list.
/lands create <name>
Creates a land, claiming the chunk you are currently in and making your current location the spawn point.

/lands claim
Claims the chunk you are standing in. You can also use a golden hoe to select multiple chunks at once (left click one corner and right click the other corner with the hoe).

/lands unclaim
Unclaims the chunk you currently have selected. You can also use a golden hoe to select multiple chunks at once.

/lands menu
Open the lands menu to manage your lands.

/lands edit
Selects the land you are currently in for further commands such as (commands).

/lands edit <name>
Goes into edit mode for a different land that you might not currently be standing in.

/lands trust <player>
Invites another player to your land you currently have selected.

/lands untrust <player>
Removes a player from your land.

/lands invites
View your invites to other lands.

/lands spawn <land name>
Teleport to the spawn of a specific land.



/pay <player> <amount>
Send money to a player.

/bal <playername>
Check your balance or the balance of another player.

See the leaderboard for the server's wealthiest players.

Choose to be accepting payments from other players.
See a breakdown of your McMMO skill levels in all 3 categories, as well as your overall power level.

/mcrank <player>
Compare your or another player's skill level rankings to the whole server.

/mctop <skill>
See the server's overall skill level rankings or the rankings of a specific skill.

Economy Guide

To learn how to make money on the Azure, how to open a shop to sell items to other players, and how the overall Azure SMP economy is set up and why it is the way that it is, check out the helpful economy guide below! New and old players alike can learn about the server's money system by reading this guide.

Azure Mayor

The Mayor of Azure is elected about once every month. During elections, players will be able to sign up to run for and campaign for this position, and whoever wins the ranked choice election will earn the title. The mayor is primarily responsible for overseeing the town. They are able to enact policies or carry out projects that improve the town and server overall.

After each election, the new (or reelected) mayor will be given a budget of $10,000 to start off their term with. Mayors also have additional permission such as being able to build anywhere in the town, getting the ability to host events, and residing in the Mayor's suite, located at the top floor of the town hall.


8/20/22 to 10/15/22Mary was the first mayor of the Azure, winning the first election in the same month of the launch of the server. He was known for running a newspaper on the server called the IRIS, copies of which are still available in townhall's library. During his first term Mary created several laws including limits to how many plots a player can rent and implemented a comprehensive tax code to run taxes across the town. During his term he also ran a writing competition for players of Azure with entries being also available in the town library to read by players today.

Mary also had multiple mobs become key figures as king and prince of the server, however all of these died within days despite laws protecting them.

Mary ran and won again in Azure's second election, starting his second term on 11/10/2022. However, this was a rigged election planned by staff as a transition to a major server update, which included his character being the only option to vote for creating a dictatorship with players not voting for him being punished. During this stage Mary hired the Night's Watch, an elite team of players lead by ADD_Delta to be his personal guard detail. He also created laws such as 100% tax to encourage players to rebel against him. During this time many buildings were visibly damaged and random fires were littered throughout the town, plunging things into a state of chaos and tyranny. The rebellion took place and ended in Mary being removed as mayor with Sage (known at the time as kitkax) becoming the new mayor.

Please note that events during the second term were roleplay and planned with the server for an update and are not Mary's actual character.Mary was voted as the first mayor of Azure in August of 2022, the same month which the server was launched. Several other popular candidates also ran in this election, and a


10/16/22 to 11/6/22After Mary was overthrown by players during a rebellion, Sage was chosen as the new mayor by the rebelling players. Her term started during a temporary update pushed by the server owners to the Azure that was later removed where all players were trapped inside of a prison and had to work for their freedom before being able to return to their bases and get all of their stuff back.

Sage did not make any major changes during their rule, simply maintaining most of what already been implemented by Mary.

After Sage's term had finished it came out that they had been abusing permissions granted to the mayor role of to have access to cheated items for their personal use. Sage was later permanently banned from Prismplex for unrelated reasons.


11/6/22 to 2/18/23Adzey123 assumed office in November 2022 after winning Azure's third mayoral election, succeeding Sage, who had become the mayor after usurping Mary in the rebellion.

During his first term, Adzey initiated significant changes, starting with the removal of taxes imposed by Mary. He implemented several acts that defined religion and charities on Azure, establishing standards for them to follow. Adzey also attempted to create a court system allowing players to sue and defend themselves against mayoral decisions, though this system was never fully implemented.

Adzey introduced an act around fines, enabling the mayor to impose punishments on players. His term emphasized enhancing communication between staff and players. He also began removing inactive or poorly maintained player shops, creating space for a fresh wave of player-driven activity.

Re-elected for a second term on January 25, 2023, Adzey continued making changes. He orchestrated a staff reset of the end dimension and continued to clean up the town. Notably, Adzey led changes to the server shops to prevent inflation without taxing players. He reinstated limits on the number of plots players could rent, a policy initiated by Mary and revoked by Sage.

During his second term, Adzey organized various events, including VC games, a build competition, spleef, and an art competition. He attempted to establish a player council lead by to enhance server aspects, but it dwindled soon after creation due to key players losing interest.

A significant economic shift occurred during Adzey's second term with the removal of the server shops and the introduction of a centralized bank system using diamonds, marking a new era for the Azure SMP economy (this system of a diamond-backed economy was later reverted when server shops reopened and the bank closed, allowing players to sell certain basic resources to the server again, but this time with a 24 hour limit on many items that could be auto-farmed to prevent inflation). Adzey also oversaw the creation of a transport bureau to improve Nether tunnels, resulting in 2000 blocks being dug in each direction from spawn, ready for revamping.

Adzey continued his efforts, creating a map and information board at spawn, and introduced a law allowing him to share photos and discuss his new puppy in the general channel. However, due to a two-term limit, Adzey did not run in the subsequent election.


2/18/23 to 3/27/23River assumed the role of mayor after winning the 5th election on Azure. However, River's time as mayor saw minimal changes, with the notable action of repealing Adzey's puppy act.

One month into his term, River organized a spleef event, providing a recreational opportunity for players. Near the end of his term, he enacted a significant law restricting players to only having one active plot in spawn, with the goal of improving the overall quality of shops in the town by having players just focus on running one shop rather than multiple at the same time.

Other than these two occurrences, River did not do much else during his tenure as mayor. As the next election unfolded, he acknowledged and apologized for his limited activity during his term, having been mostly busy with real life things that were going on during his time as mayor.


3/27/23 to 7/31/23In March of 2023, Rosie was elected as the new Azure mayor, replacing River. Rosie immediately removed the disliked final act and the only law created by River limiting players to one plot in the town by increasing it to two. After this, she revamped the sign created by Adzey with a guide to commands for beginners and more. Soon after, she announced that she would be running a PvP event on the server; this event had a large number of players participating. 

Rosie later entirely removed the limit to rentable plots, allowing players to create shops and stimulate the server economy. Rosie then created decorations around the spawn, nether, and end portals—a part of spawn that is still standing today. Players voted on what nether biome the nether portal should be themed as, with the warped forest winning.

With the next election approaching, Rosie announced a speech on Azure. Players gathered for the speech in which Rosie announced that she would be taking over Azure and becoming the Empress, with her empire, Midgarde, gaining power. The election ran anyway, with Wert, known now as TheLivingShadow.

The new rule over Azure commenced with the Midgarde's banner around spawn, messages such as "LONG LIVE THE MIDGARDE EMPIRE," and more becoming common.

The first change was adding potatoes as an alternative to diamonds in the server economy. Soon after, taxes were imposed at 10% of players owning, going to the empire, and announcing those who do not agree are enemies of the empire.

The resistance grew, and in an effort to have them surrender, the Crimson King, DanX2M, was captured and being held for execution if the resistance didn't fight or surrender. The resistance never showed up, meaning that Dan died, and the Midgarde's control was undisputed on the server. It was quiet for a while. For pride month, Rosie collaborated with the previous mayor, River, to run an event where players could commission artwork by finding pride tokens around spawn; this was popular with players.

Soon afterward, due to a major update for the server changing the economy and updating up to 1.20, the Midgarde was requested by staff to leave the town. Rosie released control, marking the end of her first two terms as mayor/empress of Azure.

Please note that events during and after the takeover were roleplay and planned with the server and are not the actual character of Chimes/Rosie.


7/31/23 to 9/22/23BeehiveHalo assumed the position of Azure mayor on August 13, 2023, adopting a notably casual approach to their role. Despite the brevity of their term compared to past and subsequent mayors, BeehiveHalo undertook a few initiatives to contribute to the community.

One of Bee's notable actions was the creation of a helpful sign at spawn, designed to assist new players in navigating the town. Additionally, Bee organized a vote to determine the use of a vacant area in the town, ultimately resulting in the establishment of a memorial dedicated to Technoblade's legacy. This memorial is still present today in the Azure Harbor.

While BeehiveHalo's term may have been shorter than others, their efforts to enhance new player experiences and commemorate significant events demonstrated a commitment to the community during their time as mayor.


9/22/23 to 12/2/23Rosie was voted as the next Azure mayor again. She continued her work on minigames and general changes to improve the server. A community park project was started.

Rosie ran her popular minigame - Crawler, including PvE in a labyrinth of tunnels with mobs. This became a popular event for players on Azure, and the game receives frequent updates.

A new law limited players to only having one of the lower-costing plots in the town to increase the availability of spaces for new players to get a start in the economy.

This term ended with continued development on minigames, including a snow maze at the start of December.


12/2/23 to 1/27/24In December of 2023, Aria assumed the role of Azure mayor, bringing forth a wave of changes to enhance the server. One of her initial announcements included the appointment of Mia (HypnoNova) as her Vice Mayor for the duration of her term. Together, they swiftly collaborated with the server staff to establish new laws.

One notable act introduced allowed the mayor to remove players from plots in the town, addressing issues of plot hogging and enhancing aesthetics by eliminating unused or visually displeasing builds. Concurrently, Aria embarked on a joint project with the server admins to create a server history archive at spawn, documenting the evolution of the server under her leadership.

Aria's leadership also introduced a controversial ruling concerning shops, initially limiting players to selling one category of items with minimum prices. Following discussions with players, Aria demonstrated flexibility and adjusted the ruling to be more equitable for all participants. Collaboratively with her Vice Mayor, Aria initiated efforts to transform the town into a more natural environment, implementing custom trees and natural pathways connecting key locations.

As of January 2024, Aria continues to hold the position of Azure mayor, with a steadfast commitment to ongoing improvements for the server's players. Her tenure has been marked by a proactive approach to governance, collaborative projects, and a dedication to fostering a vibrant and appealing environment for the community.